Get Involved

When you buy True Source Certified honey you can rest assured that you’re buying real honey made by honeybees and sourced from beekeepers. No matter what region of the world honey is produced in, it’s subjected to the same rigorous testing to earn the True Source Certified® seal.

We invite all honey lovers, honey companies, honey business customers and others to take action. Support True Source Certified and purchase only honey that has been sourced with transparency and tested for authenticity.

If You’re a Honey Lover (Consumer):

  • Look for the True Source Certified® seal on your honey label.
  • Ask your favorite honey company, grocery store or the manufacturer of your favorite honey products to see if they are selling True Source Certified honey or Made with True Source Certified Honey products.
  • Follow us on FacebookInstagram and tell your family and friends about True Source Certified honey.
  • Donate to True Source Honey to help us further our mission to protect the quality and reputation of honey while supporting honeybees and beekeepers.


If You’re a Honey Company or Packer:

  • Become True Source Certified. Find out more here.
  • Follow the tips listed in this quick reference guide to guard against buying transshipped or adulterated honey.
  • Be suspicious when the price is below current market pricing. Report suspicious offers/honey shipments at the allegations page of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The report can be anonymous.


If You’re a Honey Business Customer (wholesalers, retailers, food manufacturers and food service operators/distributors):

  • Ask your suppliers if the honey you are buying/using is True Source Certified.
  • Food manufacturers can apply to the "Made with True Source Certified Honey" program and ensure that their suppliers are certified. For more information, contact Danielle Chester at [email protected] or +1-702-219-4171.
Report suspicious offers/honey shipments at the allegations page of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The report can be anonymous.