North American Beekeepers

You can be a participant in the True Source Certified program as a North American Beekeeper if you are a primary producer with direct ownership or control of honey production (bee hives).

Under the model for True Source Certified, Beekeepers are not certified because they do not participate in a complete audit, but may be randomly selected to participate in an audit being conducted with Packers or Processor/Exporters which purchase their honey.

Follow the instructions below to participate:

  1. Complete the Beekeeper registration form and submit the registration fee. True Source Honey charges a registration fee of $150.00 per Beekeeper and is valid for three (3) years.
  2. Provide traceability information to companies that purchase your honey. Clearly identify all shipments of honey that are shipped from your extraction facility. Ensure that the Shipping Bill of Lading includes your name and address as well as the name and address of the company that is purchasing your honey. 
  3. If you are a Canadian Beekeeper, you must meet all CFIA regulations to be able to ship honey to the United States. 
  4. Participate in an audit of those Packers that purchase your honey.
    1. If randomly selected:
      1. Phone Audit: During the audit of a Packers facility, the auditor will contact suppliers by phone to verify a Packer’s claim of purchase volume.
      2. Site Visit: Participate in a site visit that would include the Packer who purchased your honey and the auditor that is inspecting the Packer's facility. The site visit will verify that the operation appears sufficient to supply the volumes of purchase by visiting the extraction facility and bee yards.

Please note: registering as a North American Beekeeper is registering as a True Source Honey participant. Beekeepers are not considered True Source Certified, as they are not subject to the certified audit as administered by third-party auditors.